Sep 7Liked by Molly

I loved the audio versions too, and listened to them with my coffee every Sat morning - it was my ritual! I will miss them, but totally understand that you cannot do everything, and yes, sometimes we have to let go of what is just no longer working for us. Thank you for all the past audios! They've been so fun!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

You were who I was thinking of when I said that I know some people do listen and enjoy them! As I also said, I'm really swayed by knowing even only a handful of people benefit from something, so seeing Holly and Teal also comment as well as you makes me reconsider my hiatus. LOL! ;) I might do shorter ones or "when I feel like it" ones or some other type of alternative. I also think if I didn't put them up on Spotify, but only here or at Patreon that would also help. It is having to upload/convert/write descriptions in multiple places and across multiple platforms that tipped the scales towards "not worth it." Plus, the listen rate on Spotfiy is abysmally low (I'd put them there because then they show up on Apple podcasts and on Audible and it seemed like a relatively low effort way to be available to people wherever their chosen medium/location is). So, perhaps the answer is not to quit making them, but to scale back where I think they need to go after that. I actually enjoy making the audios--it is all of the uploading and writing afterward that feels like too much.

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Sep 8Liked by Molly

That's funny, I must have commented it was my Saturday morning ritual a lot - lol! As much as we enjoy it, if your gut was telling you to let it go, we'd all totally understand! You can only do so much - and you already do more than 99% of the people I know! That does sound like a lot of work!

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Sep 7Liked by Molly

I really like the audio version & hearing this in your voice. I understand that that may be just one too many things on your to-do list, but I just wanted to say Thank You for having done it all. May you continue to flow with what feels best to your soul.

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Thanks, Teal! That helps me as I keep evaluating my options/what to do. Like I replied to Christy, the hassle for me comes from the various uploading tasks involved with then getting it onto various sites and writing descriptions to go with it. The actual recording of the newsletter is fun and I enjoy the chat. :) So, perhaps there is a way to simplify instead of stop.

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I'm with you too, Teal, I love that it is in audio form.

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Thanks for the reply, Holly. It really helps me to see that some people do actually listen!

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